If you’ve ever heard someone bemoan how social media is killing the music industry, introduce them to Paul Russell’s undeniably infectious music.

The 26-year-old pop singer became a breakout star almost literally overnight – and he has the mysterious nature of the TikTok algorithm to thank for his success. 

The Texas native, who has been making music for years, first posted a clip of his now-hit song Lil Boo Thang on TikTok in 2023 and it quickly went mega-viral, becoming an unavoidable presence on the app. 

While it wasn’t even a fully conceptualised song at the time, Russell turned it into a full-length single almost immediately, which peaked at No.14 on the Billboard Hot 100 and led to a major record deal.

Now, with the music industry’s backing, he’s releasing more feel-good songs (which he describes as ‘cook out music’) and playing high-profile gigs like the White House Easter Egg Roll, during which he performed for the Bidens. 

When he sits down to speak with – fresh off opening on Teddy Swims’ tour – Russell is warm, personable, and fast with a joke.

It quickly becomes obvious why over half a million people follow the likable singer’s journey on TikTok, and even more obvious that Russell is still bewildered by his own fame. 

Reflecting on Lil Boo Thang’s sudden success, Russell says: ‘It was so unexpected. Everything felt like it changed overnight.’

The singer explains that he went from being a regular 20-something with a desk job to a burgeoning international superstar in just a few days – but so far he doesn’t mind the way it’s changed his personal life. In fact, it allowed him to buy a $400 candle he’d had his eye on for years (‘I like never burn it because I’m scared of it running out.’) 

‘I think most of my friends treat me the same now,’ he says, considering his newfound fame. 

‘You know, there are definitely a lot of people who are kind of like, “Oh, you’re my best friend.” But I kind of don’t mind it. I think maybe one day if I’m so huge that everyone is doing that in my life, I’ll be like, “I just want someone to be real.” But it’s like, hey, people are treating me really nice because they want something from me, [He laughs] but at least they’re treating me nice.’ 

Despite the role TikTok played in his career, Russell makes it clear that he’s not 100% on board with the way the algorithm is shaping the music industry: ‘I think the bad thing is people will make music for TikTok, which you know, I’ve even been guilty of doing that. 

‘I’ll listen to a bunch of music that has worked on the platform, and then be like, “I have to make something like this.” And then you get to a place where you don’t really like what you’re releasing, but you’re still doing it because you think it’s gonna work,’ he admits.

‘You have to figure out your brand and figure out all of these things in order to cut through to where people stick with you. So that’s definitely a thing that I’m trying to figure out these days.’

When asked if he feels the pressure of creating a brand that lives up to the success of Little Boo Thang, he says emphatically: ‘I think about that all the time. Well, I mean, maybe the pressure isn’t necessarily living up to it, and more of how do I keep this going?’

It’s obvious that Russell is fully aware of just how fickle fame can be as he shares: ‘I don’t want to just get to the place where it’s like, okay, that was a time in my life and now its over.’

Fittingly, Russell’s TikTok bio reads: ‘Aspiring two hit wonder.’

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