Stranger Things star Joe Keery has ruled out a collaboration with pop superstar Taylor Swift, but says that it turns out she is a fan of his music.

It will be disappointing news for fans hoping for a Stranger Things-Swift crossover, after Keery – who plays Steve Harrington in the Netflix sci-fi horror – was spotted leaving the Electric Lady recording studio in New York City in June last year on the same day as Swift.

Keery, who releases his music under the name Djo, put speculation around a possible collaboration to rest.

“I just happened to be there the day that she was there,” he said on The Spout Podcast. “And she’s really nice. I mean, I’ve met her a couple of times. Before anything happened with this track, she said, ‘Hey, I really love that track of yours, ‘End Of Beginning.’

“She just said she had heard the song and, you know, obviously I’m like, ‘What? You heard that song? How the hell did you hear that song?’”

“But she’s like a music lover, really,” he said. “And she’s also so hip to new music and things that are coming out. And so, I guess it’s not shocking to me because she’s like a big fan of music and just digs around and finds stuff.

“So, somehow it came across her desk, and she listened to it and then said that she liked it. Really, really nice of her.”

Keery has previously called the day he and Swift happened to be in the New York studio at the same time “very confusing”.

“Well, that was a very confusing day because I was just in there with John, minding my own business, not doing anything, and then I walked out the door, and it was like 1,000 people were standing out there,” he said on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

“People looked at me expecting Taylor, and were like, ‘Who’s this guy?’”

Keery also talked about filming the fifth and final season of Stranger Things, which is scheduled to release in 2025.

The actor said the final season will be filled with “insanity” that will “scratch the itch”.

“It does not necessarily feel like the impending end every day or anything like that. I’m sure once we get a little further along, the reality will kind of like, sort of sink in, but for right now, business as usual,” he said about how feels about the series ending.

“We are just plunking away and trying to serve these scripts that these guys have written and do our best job because once again they’ve like come through in a cool way and written some unbelievable stuff, so just trying to do the material justice.”

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