The director behind MultiVersus is upset at dataminers who spoil new character announcements, saying they do a ‘disservice’ to players.

Dataminers have been a standard part of the video game world for a long time now, revealing details about live service games such as Fortnite and Apex Legends long before they’re officially announced.

While the ease with which dataminers discover hidden information suggests some developers welcome the marketing boost that often comes with it, it’s understandable that there would be some frustration when an announcement is discovered months ahead of time – spoiling any chance of a surprise.

Warner Bros. crossover fighter MultiVersus, which returns this month, has already had many of its characters leaked via dataminers – including The Joker two years ago – and now the game’s director has spoken out against the practice.

In a new interview, MultiVersus director Tony Huynh agreed when it was suggested that the efforts of dataminers are both impressive and depressing.

‘That’s right,’ Huynh told VGC. ‘I mean, yeah, I think it’s a disservice to the players, honestly, that these things are ruined, and it’s deflating for the team as well.

‘But more importantly, it’s – I wouldn’t use the word ‘depressing’ – it’s just unfortunate for the players. They don’t get the grand reveal that we have planned, and a lot of the air is sucked out of the room. But these things happen, so we’re trying to prevent them from occurring in the future.’

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